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Welcome to Mezza Luna

Buzzards Bay, MA

Open Monday-Thursday 11AM – 8:30 PM

Friday & Saturday 11AM- 9:00 PM

Sunday 12 Noon-Close

Contact Us Gift Cards

Specializing In Italian Cuisine

The Mezza Luna Restaurant is a 3rd generation family run Italian Restaurant located on Main Street in Buzzards Bay and celebrating 87 years in business in 2021. Specializing in Italian cuisine, seafood, steaks and chops, fresh nightly specials, and a lunch menu that’s the best deal in town. We have multiple rooms for private functions, outside dining in the summer months, and a full bar and lounge area. Although reservations are not required, they are always recommended.

Wednesday & Saturday Prime Rib Special

Join us every Wednesday and Saturday for our delicious Prime Rib at an unbeatable price.
Available after 4:00 PM.